The Princess Ballerinas Dance Program was originally created by Megan Meyers for her own dance studio in California. The inspiration was to provide a unique and memorable dance class experience for her youngest students by teaching dance through imaginative, theme-based classes.
In 2015, Megan began sharing the Princess Ballerinas Dance Program with other passionate dance teachers and innovative studios around the world who also wanted to create a special and inspiring experience for their youngest dancers. Learn More Here.
To date, over 2,000 teachers and studios across all 50 U.S. states, and 10 countries have used the Princess Ballerinas Dance Program.
“I absolutely love the Princess Ballerinas program and I am so happy you decided to share it with us. Last year this time we had 154 students and today we have 231. That is exactly 50% increase!”
Studio Owner
“We had a pre-ballet program last year with only 3 students. Since starting Princess Ballerinas, we now have 28 students in the program and are looking to expand to a younger age group next year [...] We LOVE using Princess Ballerinas and can't wait to see the growth in this program this next year!”
Studio Owner
“I can't thank you enough!!! Since starting this new program we have already gotten 5 new students in two days!!!”
Studio Owner